MountainsChristian SorianoDecember 12, 2017 Explored. MountainsChristian SorianoDecember 12, 2017 Finally had the opportunity to visit the home of default Apple wallpapers, Yosemite, CA. Christian Soriano Facebook0 Twitter Pinterest0 0 Likes
CitiesChristian SorianoOctober 01, 2016 Distinguished. Los Angeles, CA CitiesChristian SorianoOctober 01, 2016
ForestsChristian SorianoNovember 03, 2016 Soaked. PCH (Day 2), CA ForestsChristian SorianoNovember 03, 2016
ForestsChristian SorianoOctober 15, 2016Camping, Big Bear Roasted. Hanna Flats, CA ForestsChristian SorianoOctober 15, 2016Camping, Big Bear
Etc.Christian SorianoOctober 02, 2016 Saved. San Juan Capistrano, CA Etc.Christian SorianoOctober 02, 2016